The DZI Cofferdams are available for steel sheet piled quay walls, concrete quay walls and tubular piles. The system is standard for a variety of structures.
8 years after application of Humidur® on sheet piles in Duluth, USA, the coating is in excellent condition. The sheet piles are exposed to a highly abrasive and corrosive environment.
Acotec developed and patented a cofferdam designed to access submerged piles.
Acotec developed a special cofferdam for safe and dry access to tubular piles
Acotecs cofferdam creates a safe and dry environment. Thanks to this unique concept, sheet piles can be easily accessed and inspected/coated.
Repair and corrosion treatment of 6 tubular spiral welded piles in tidal conditions.
Technical documents, data sheets, specification sheets and much more information are all available on